Preparatory Year in Illustration-Animation

Illustration - Animation

In addition to acquiring a fundamental foundation in art, the preparatory year includes workshops in graphic design, illustration and animation. The ability to develop a singular graphic style, a narrative imagination and artistic sensibility is a focus throughout this preparatory year, which will be extensively worked on. This is the natural path for students who want to complete training in illustration, comics, animation and graphic design. This course also allows students to prepare for entrance exams for the Écoles supérieures d’art (ENSAD, ENSBA, ECAL, St Martin, etc.).

Les parcours en Illustration and 2D – 3D Animation

Available in Rennes, Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nancy, Nice, Paris et Toulouse



Preparatory Year in Illustration-Animation



Preparatory Year in Illustration-Animation

Réalisations des étudiants en Illustration and 2D – 3D Animation

Illustration – Animation